EMF Safety
Electro-magnetic Fields and Radio Frequencies can cause health problems for humans and animals.
Poor sleep, chronic fatigue, confusion, chronic pain, hormone problems, anxiety, depression, tinnitus, chest pain and palpitations, skin reactions are some of the common symptoms of EMF/RF hyper-sensitivity. As we are electrical beings, all exposure to electric fields affects us.
Reduction, Elimination, Proximity
1. All devices are wired in with ethernet
2. Phones are on airplane mode unless checking emails or internet
3. No smart devices used in home, baby monitors, electric toothbrushes, Alexa, etc
4. Any electrical devices, appliances or lamps unplugged when not in direct use
5. Replace CFL light bulbs with incandescent bulbs.
Next Best Options
1. Turn wifi off at night
2. Keep wifi router 10 feet away from everyone, it goes through walls
3. Turn wifi on only when needed, check e-mails only when truly needed
4. Keep all smart devices 10 feet from everyone or turn on airplane mode when wifi not needed
5. Use wire cages to keep all smart devices in
6. Use speaker phone and set phone down, do not hold or carry on body or hold against ear
7. Use headphones connected by wires if needed
8. Reduce Bluetooth devices or do not use at all
9. At night keep all phones and devices in another room, if needed for alarm put on airplane mode
10. Reduce night-time use of devices several hours before bed or use orange blue-screen blocking glasses, ability to fall asleep and quality of sleep may be affected
11. Do not stand in front of appliance while they are working
12. Get rid of microwave
13. Do not have devices close to children or babies with wifi on, put in airplane mode, young brains are more sensitive to EMF exposure.
Spend time in nature, walking barefoot, hugging trees, breathing in fresh air as these will help ground and release the build-up of EMF in our bodies. There are meters you can purchase to determine the range of EMF/RF in your home, workplace and car. They measure how much radiation you are being exposed to.
And excellent book to guide you is: The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMF’s by Nicolas Pineault, another book is Zapped by Ann Louise Gittleman.
Everyone is unique and different as to how they are affected by EMFs. Just try turning off your devices and see how much better you feel!!