Whole Body Approach to Prevention of Cavities and Gum Disease

Did you ever think that cavities and gum disease are caused by nutritional deficiencies?

There must be three conditions present for cavities to start:

  1. Certain type of bacteria

  2. Fermentable carbohydrates

  3. Susceptible tooth

Bacteria are always present in our mouths, in our bodies and in our environment. Creating an environment where the destructive bacteria cannot thrive is the best form of prevention.

The health of our teeth, mouths and bodies is determined by our food and drink choices, how we handle stress, our genetics, our lifestyles and our general state of well-being.

Teeth are living parts of our bodies. If our body chemistry is out-of-balance, the vitamins and minerals we absorb from our food and supplements are not adequate, our bodies try to balance the mineral flow by taking from one part and putting into another place. Calcium is one of the most important minerals for blood, heart, bone and teeth health.

Bacteria and their toxic by-products lead to decay and inflammation. If your nutrition is compromised or you are not handling stress well, your immune system will have problems handling normal amounts of bacteria present.

Healthy bones and teeth require a TEAM of helpers: Calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C, protein, Magnesium, Boron, Zinc, some B vitamins and other minerals. By eating whole, fresh foods you can build and keep your teeth and bones healthy.

Gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) is an inflammation in the gums around the teeth. Redness and bleeding is not normal. Poor dental hygiene can be a factor and going to visit your dental hygienist will eliminate part of the problem. If you are visiting your dental hygienist regularly and you still have bleeding or abundant build-up around your teeth, you have signs of a systemic/nutritional issue. Diabetes, anemia, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, a suppressed immune system and/or heart issues could be part of the puzzle. Visiting your naturopath, medical doctor and dentist is important.

Food Choices for Healthy Gums and Teeth for All Ages:

Foods high in absorbable calcium are: broccoli, kale, collards, bok choy, black and kidney beans, chick peas, navy beans, figs, oranges, almonds, almond butter, flaxseed, hazelnuts, sesame butter (tahini), blackstrap molasses, cheddar cheese and yogurt.

By reducing sugar, alcohol, processed foods, white flour and caffeine, your immune system will be able to handle day-to-day stresses much better. Regular exercise is very beneficial.

Lunch Ideas for All Ages:

  1. Fresh homemade salsa or guacamole with taco chips

  2. Short brown rice pudding (hot or cold)

  3. Short brown rice or quinoa salad (hot or cold)

  4. Homemade muffins – ideal ingredients: carrots, zucchini, blueberries, spelt flour, oats, molasses, yogurt, walnuts, butter or organic oils

  5. Fresh fruit – strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, sliced apples, oranges with yogurt dip

  6. Sliced vegetables with roasted red pepper dip, hummus or nut butters

  7. Tortilla wrap filled with hummus or nut butters, cooked beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, romaine, baby spinach, sprouts, etc.

  8. Hard boiled eggs and fresh spinach or romaine mixed salads

  9. Almonds, figs, unsulfured apricots, nut and fruit mix (granola bars are not a good choice)

Home Care for Healthy Gums and Teeth – includes regular brushing with a soft toothbrush and a toothpaste that is non-toxic and that helps to alkaline your mouth. Using floss to clean below the gum line and/or a rubber tip to massage the gums will help to reduce bacteria. Eating alkaline foods and drinks will reduce the acid in the mouth and body. Harmful bacteria love an acidic environment. Using sea salt and baking soda water rinses helps to neutralize your mouth.

If you need more information please go to www.barriedentalhygiene.ca or visit your dental hygienist, dentist, naturopath, and/or nutritionist.


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