The Fluoride Dilemma

I remember as a young dental hygienist wondering why some of my clients would not want to have fluoride as part of their dental hygiene care appointment. All traditional dental education includes the use of fluoride to strengthen the enamel against tooth decay. As I have always asked questions as to “why” we do what we do, I have discovered there are several approaches to great oral health.

The latest research done in Ontario by the Community Dental Health Department, released in 1999, compares the cavity rates of fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities. It states the difference “is often not statistically significant and may not be of clinical significance”. Also included in the research: “the current studies of effectiveness of water fluoridation have design weaknesses and methodology flaws.” Education, I feel, is the best way to help clients and communities determine what is best for their own oral and overall health. 

These are some of the facts about fluoride:

  1. The fluoride that is added to water is a waste product from the fertilizer industry and has heavy metals present in it.

  2. Adding fluoride to the water is mass-medication, with no choice and no control over how much a person swallows. Our right to choose is gone.

  3. Fluoride has been proven in research to cause toxic results in the brain, the thyroid and the kidney.

  4. Fluoride prevents vitamins and natural enzymes in our body from doing their job to keep us healthy.

  5. Fluoride changes the bone and tooth structure and can cause symptoms of pains in legs and joints, backache, osteoarthritis, and can cause white and brown spots on teeth.

  6. Children swallow fluoridated toothpaste, drink juices made with fluoridated water and bottled water with fluoride. No one is keeping track of how much fluoride we are exposed to.

As we move forward into having information at our fingertips, we need to determine the best choices for ourselves, our families and our communities. Choosing the least toxic route is always the best. 97% of Western Europe and all of China have chosen fluoride free water. Communities all over the world are making choices to keep our water fluoride free. The dilemma surrounding fluoride is that we, the community, the public and the dental professionals have relied on 50-year old research. Asking questions, looking at current research and how the research is done, will provide us with more accurate information.

  • Preventing cavities is about preventing nutritional deficiencies.

  • Nutritional guidelines to prevent cavities:

  • Eat whole, unprocessed food and cook from scratch.

  • Eat meat and eggs from pasture-fed animals. Eat wild caught fish rather than farmed fish.

  • Eat butter, not margarine; use coconut and olive oils, not canola, corn or vegetable oils.

  • Eat fresh fruit and vegetables in salads and soups, organic if possible.

  • Get plenty of sleep, exercise and natural light (get outside).

Some interesting links to check out are: (the fluoride deception), (fluoride).


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