Breathing Freely

Our nose is our first defense against bacteria and viruses.  Nose-breathing is essential for best health.  Proper nose breathing is very important to the development of the teeth and jaws.  Many young children have become mouth breathers. This affects the alignment of their teeth, their jaw growth and often their general health.

Our nose has many wonderful features:

A)     Nose hairs that filter the air as we breath in

B)     Humidifies and warms the air before it reaches the lungs

C)     Cells that line the nasal passages have the job of killing germs as the air passes through

None of this happens when we breathe through our mouths.

A wide clear passage way is very important for developing  proper facial growth in young children. At age 7, 70 percent of the facial growth is complete. At the age of 12, 90 percent of the facial growth is complete.

For parents and health practitioners, there are several ways to prevent mouth breathing and encourage proper nose breathing and correct facial growth.

1.     Encourage breast-feeding and child-led weaning. This ensures proper jaw growth and teeth positioning.  Soothers and finger-sucking finished before age of 3.

2.     Enlarged tonsils and adenoids can prevent a child from breathing properly. 

3.     Mouth breathing may be an indication of food allergies and other allergies (most common food allergies-milk, wheat, corn).

4.     Encourage children to keep their nose clean with regular blowing, salt and xylitol nose sprays are helpful.

5.     Watch children for open lips when relaxed, the lips should be closed.

6.     Determine if your child sleeps restfully at night.

7.     Work with health professionals who can address these situations - nutritionists, naturopaths, homeopaths.

A wonderful way to help proper nose breathing for children and adults is to enroll in a martial arts class, singing class, yoga, tai chi or any exercise that pays strict attention to breathing.  Slow deep abdominal breathing retrains the breathing pattern to a much healthier way of being. Proper nose breathing has many benefits: improves oxygen that reaches the cells and the brain, increases blood circulation and promotes relaxation and feelings of wellbeing.

Proper breathing does help to create a healthier, happier  smile! If you are interested in a Breathing Assessment and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy please contact our office!


Breathing Tips for Families