Choosing Food Wisely

First and foremost we need to choose our food wisely; everyone is unique and we have different nutritional requirements. It is best to choose locally grown, organic foods when possible. Getting to know your local farmers and food producers, asking them questions about how they raise their animals and grow their crops. Fresh is best! If you have food sensitivities or allergies it is best to work with a Naturopath or Holistic Nutritionist to determine the best food and supplement choices. If you have no food allergies:

  1. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, try new ones! The nutrients in these foods are more bio-available-which means your body understands these foods and will digest and absorb them better.

  2. Get nutty and try a variety of nuts and seeds in your recipes and dishes.

  3. Take your kids shopping and to the farmer's market, let them look at the colours and smells of the fresh fruit and vegetables. See how many they can name and which ones they remember eating!

  4. Try foods on their own to see how your body enjoys the food: do you have more energy after eating it? Do you need to have a nap? Do you have bloating? This may be an indication of whether this food is a good choice for you.

  5. For best nutrition we need a variety of foods: foods that contain all the vitamins and minerals we need, as well as good fat sources. Choose butter, olive oil, hemp and flax oil and coconut oil, eliminate margarines or shortenings and other oils from your shopping cart.

  6.  Great protein sources are small fish, eggs, turkey and grass fed beef. Foods that contain fat-soluble vitamins are important for strong teeth and bones.

  7. Ways to Reduce Toxic Foods – Grow your own! Sprout at home! Try to plan meals based on real, live foods. Eating plants gives our cells the sun's energy and readily absorbed vitamins and minerals. Reduce all processed cereals, crackers, baked goods. Do not choose low-fat, sugar-free or enriched products. Plan meals based on fresh vegetables. Reduce acidic foods and drinks.

  8. Enjoy your food! Take time to sit, look, get the juices flowing, be thankful, chew until the food is liquefied, little sips of drinks, sit after your meal and be thankful again.


Broth Recipes


How does your beverage of choice affect your health?