Ways to Reduce Toxic Environments

Choose products for cleaning, bathing and cosmetics that are safe for the environment and our health. Choose foods that have less or no packaging as most plastics, wraps and canned foods contain toxic ingredients.

Reduce heavy metal exposure by choosing healthy cookware (non-stick or Teflon are toxic), use glass water bottles, store in glass over plastic. Reduce exposure to mercury by reducing large fish intake. Have plants in your home and workplace to keep the indoor air clean. Choosing paint, flooring and furniture that is safe for you, your family and your co-workers. Reduce electromagnetic exposure from computers, wireless technology, remote and cell phones by turning them off, unplugging and keeping away from your body. Devices are available to absorb and neutralize these exposures. Do not eat microwaved food, remove the microwave from your home.

Our body works extremely hard to stay healthy. How we deal with stress, our food choices, and the lifestyles we lead create the opportunity for wellness or disease in our body. Our mind and body work together to maintain a state of balance of internal self-regulation (e.g. body temperature) and self-repair (e.g. heal broken bones).

Exercise! Walk, run, bike, swim, dance, play ball, rebound, get moving! Essential for detoxifying! Get outside and breathe deeply every day. Practice deep abdominal nose breathing throughout the day. It is easy to make some simple changes and help your mind and body become the healthiest ever!


Healthy Mouth = Healthy Body