What Are You Putting In Your Mouth?
Oral Health is linked to the overall health of an individual.
Optimal Oral Health has several basic components:
Strong immune system
Healthful food choices and client-specific nutritional supplements
Regular professional dental care
Great home oral care regime with effective, safe products
Balance in life activities: work, exercise and play
In previous articles in Healthy Smiles For A Healthy Lifetime, I have discussed many topics: It’s All About the Bugs, The Mouth-Body Connection, Achieving Optimal Oral Health and Brighter Healthier Smiles to name a few.
Researching oral health products that are effective and safe is challenging as there are many ingredients in common oral health products that are considered not to be safe.
According to Health Canada, a cosmetic is “any substance or mixture of substances, manufactured, sold or represented for use in cleansing, improving or altering the complexion, skin, hair or teeth and includes deodorants and perfumes.” This includes animal grooming products, cosmetics used by professionals, and institutional products like hand soap used in restrooms. These products must list ingredients and warning signs but they do not have to prove safety. It is up to the consumer to determine the safety of products.
The ingredient triclosan, which is a antibacterial used in two popular toothpastes and in soaps in Canada, is a pesticide that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has given a high score as a human health risk and an environmental risk.
There are also no legal standards for organic or natural personal care products. Personal care products are not subject to premarket approval by the FDA. Please take the time to turn the product over and read the product list. There is a current trend for “Green” and “Natural” labeling on products that are not good for us or the environment. Once again, read the labels.
If you are putting any products in your mouth or in your family’s mouths that have warning signs on them, please think before you proceed. Your mouth has a very high - 90% - absorption efficiency. That is why some medications and homeopathic remedies are delivered directly into the mouth or under the tongue. Whatever is in your mouth reaches your blood, brain and cells very quickly.
Websites that help guide consumers to make decisions about products they put in their mouths are: www.davidsuzuki.org (Queen of Green), and www.safecosmetics.org. The Safe Shopper’s Bible is a great resource that provides consumers with a list of ingredients that have been proven to cause harm.
One great tip when reading the ingredient list: if you cannot pronounce the ingredient put it back on the shelf. Simple ingredients are the best. Many ingredients in toothpaste require warning signs such as: “Warning: Keep out of reach of children under six years of age, if you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact the poison control center immediately.”
Many of my clients are choosing tooth powders, tooth essential oils, and using water piks over commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes.
Creating a healthy environment in the mouth and the body is easier when using safe and effective products. Ask questions about the products recommended to you. Work with a health professional who is knowledgeable and can guide you to good health and wellness!