Everything Is Energy…

When we see the name Albert Einstein, we automatically think of words such as genius, imagination and energy. Many wise words spoken by this man have become famous quotes but what exactly is this energy he was so frequently speaking about? And how can an understanding of it affect us in our every day lives?

Our current health culture is based primarily upon on scientific theories and research. With today’s epidemic of chronic health issues and the rising costs of healthcare, perhaps we should look to alternative methods of regaining our health.

We know that the human body is not just a physical being; it operates through electrical impulses and communication highways similar to the Internet. Cells and hormones communicate with each other in order to perform their jobs effectively. With good health, this electrical and communication system works efficiently but when there is inflammation in our body, issues begin to occur. Inflammation increases cellular activity because the body tries to find balance and heal but over a long period of time, this inflammation causes degenerative disease and thus stagnation in the cells of our body as the cells can no longer perform their specific tasks.

In attempt to cover up our symptoms we use medications, which ultimately suppress and push the problem deeper into our bodies causing it to manifest in other places of the body as well.

It is important to remember that our body has the truly amazing ability to heal itself! It works hard to adapt to different environments and to create balance. The ‘energetic web’ of relationships in our bodies is enhanced when: we eat whole foods grown in a healthy way, we are grateful for all we have, we enjoy nature regularly and when we connect with people whom we love. This may sound a little ‘utopia-like’ but it is not really that hard to do!

The energetic highways in our bodies are affected by physical and emotional injuries. We also have genetic tendencies or miasms, which will determine whether or not we will be affected by our exposure to germs, bacteria, toxic metals and chemicals and poor food and drink choices.
Dentistry may also affect the energetic highways in our body in regard to heavy metals residing in the body, but this can be reversed by the removal of mercury fillings and a cleansing process.

These energetic pathways were mapped by the Chinese over 4,000 years ago and they have been an integral part of healing in Eastern medicine ever since. Everything is in our body is connected to another part of our body. Each tooth has a connection through nerves, lymph and blood supply to the rest of the body. They also have a connection through energy to organs, our senses, sinuses, spinal segments, joints, glands and tonsils. One can observe the teeth as an overall map of a person's health condition.

Many health practitioners use these energetic highways called meridians, to help the body and mind heal. Acupuncture, acupressure, homeopathy, osteopathy and laser therapy are some therapies that use the energetic meridian highway. Even though we cannot see this energetic system it is a very dynamic and successful way to improve our health.
The way we approach every part of our life, including our health, is shifting quickly. We have infinite sources of information at our fingertips through the Internet. I encourage you take time to learn and understand which healing modality feels right for you!

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.” — Albert Einstein

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”— Albert Einstein


Working From the Heart