Working From the Heart
No matter what type of work or service we provide, we can do it from the heart. We can decide to be grateful for the opportunities that come before us.
Sometimes we feel we are not doing our ideal job or career. Finding parts of our work day that we do enjoy and are grateful for, such as: having money to pay for food and a home, working with many people or working in a quiet office. Transforming your workplace or working style with this gratefulness approach will have a ripple effect with your co-workers and your clients. Most of all, it will have wonderful effects for you too. You will feel less frazzled, less stressed and less overwhelmed. Working your way to do the work you truly love may take time and a major shift.
Any person, in any job or career, volunteered or paid, can work from the heart. Taking the time to connect, communicate and listen with compassion, will spread care and love into the world.
I came across a question all people should ask when they visit a health care professional, “Do I feel up-lifted by this person?” Does this health care professional give me hope and give me ideas to help the healing process?
Find health care practitioners that show compassion and take the time to listen and help you understand the root cause of health issues.
The informational age is upon us and we have access to so much more. Some of us have noticed a big shift in health care and approaches to prevention and healing. New research is helping health care professionals take a more “whole body approach” to the care they provide. All parts of the body are connected: physical (mechanical and chemical), emotional, and spiritual.
In my field of dental hygiene and in dentistry, using a whole body approach is beneficial to the practitioner and to the clients. We need to be aware that some of the traditional methods and materials we have used may not be the best choices. More of our clients are well-educated on what choices they have for their Oral Health and their overall Health.
Health Care is shifting to embrace different beliefs and different cultures regarding curing and healing. Many of my clients take ownership of their Oral Health and truly want to do what is best to prevent and heal cavities and gum disease.
Part of the healing process often begins with becoming more “open and flexible”. Open to new ideas and beliefs and flexible to make changes and create new habits. If we are able to add “working from the heart” to this process, everyone will benefit, including you!